Transgression Through Your Breath

Transgression Through Your Breath, 2012 (my Interdisciplinary Arts and Media MFA thesis) is an interactive installation utilizing the viewers breath to trigger videos of words. The words pertain to anatomical explanation and existential philosophies in terms of breath and breathing. The projected words, once triggered, float across the wall to highlight the same word in handwriting to give the viewer more context to their "chosen" word. This installation was also commissioned for display in San Antonio, Texas at Luminaria 2012, a contemporary arts festival.


Animated GIF description of interactive project

Take A Deep Breath, 2012. Zine paired with installation.

I tried to turn this in as my MFA dissertation but not all of my advisors agreed. Ha.
My MFA dissertation if anyone is inclined to read it.


Presentation of my proposal for this installation given at the L.A. Center for Digital Art during the New Media Caucus.


Document of the Presentation

Below are process images testing Isadora, the software running the video projection. Watch the above video for explanation.

20 Phrases that can be triggered in order of “soft” to “hard” breath related from the physical to existential.

  1. Semi-Controllable

  2. Take A Deep Breath

  3. Trigger the Parasympathetic

  4. Replenish Oxygen

  5. Acknowledge

  6. Think of Your Own Breath

  7. Learn To Control

  8. Energize Each Blood Cell

  9. Slow the Heartbeat

  10. Associate

  11. Intersect Poetics and Science

  12. Choose

  13. Reflect Inward

  14. Perceive Your Experience

  15. Remember

  16. Become Self Aware

  17. Consciously Breathe

  18. Find a Calm Within Chaos

  19. Form Relationships

  20. Exist

Lungs Diagram, 2011. 4x8’ Inspiration before the final project came to fruition.

I received a commission to install this work at the Luminaria Festival, San Antonio, TX in 2012.

I search for conclusions in the unknown - a calm within the chaos.

Studies of Social Failure


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