Located at the West Las Vegas Art Center across from the Kianga Isoke Palacio park.
Commissioned and owned by the City of Las Vegas.
To face the unknown is to be on a raft in the ocean with only the stars to guide with a trust in the universe.
When there is trust in the self to face the unknown there is movement. A dance with perception. A resilience within struggle.
“To transgress I must move past boundaries. I must push against to go forward. Nothing changes in this world if no one is willing to make this movement.” -Bell Hooks
A community is quantum connectedness. An Infinity of woven bonded threads. Energies passing through generations. A giant shoulder that is not without condition…one needs to look and observe and participate.
To know tragedy is to know love…an expanding fractal reaching all who are aware that one cannot exist without the other.
But what purpose does pain serve? To teach resilience that gives direction to time and to movement.
When looked at with eyes open we use the senses to feel and reflect and share. When looked at with eyes closed there is an open-arm freedom. It is in the bloodflow and heartbeat that pumps it. It is a reminder that you are alive.
If we listen to our hearts beat and remember we are alive, then we see those around us and find purpose in forming relationships. To love and be loved. To be there for one another and help build trust and reliance and belief that strong communities make for strong souls that do reach across generations. This is how we exist across time in the past, present and future.
We are our energy that we absorb and process and transfer giving significance and importance to each individual and vital relationships that make our powerful collective consciousness an embodiment of love.